
共 5 条近义词

  • 魂不守舍

    hún bù shǒu shè

    魂不守舍指人的灵魂离开了躯壳。形容精神不集中也形容惊恐万分。例他终日昏昏沉沉,魂不守舍。英extremely frightened;[查看详情]

  • 无所作为

    wú suǒ zuò wéi

    无所作为不努力去做出成绩或没有做出成绩。例她尽管没有做到年轻有为但也没有让自己无所作为。英let go; be in a state of inertia; attempt nothing and accomplish nothing;[查看详情]

  • 无所事事

    wú suǒ shì shì

    无所事事游手好闲不肯效力,不求上进。英be occupied with nothing; be at loose ends; idle away one's time; have nothing to do;[查看详情]

  • 心不在焉

    xīn bù zài yān

    心不在焉心里不在这里。形容思想不集中。例他心不在焉地听他们讲话。英unheeding; absent-minded; inattentive; be preoccupied with sth.else; one's mind is not on what one is doing;[查看详情]

  • 漫不经心

    màn bù jīng xīn

    漫不经心疏忽大意一点儿也不放在心上。例漫不经心往往导致错误。英careless; casual; negligent;[查看详情]