
共 9 条近义词

  • 乐天知命

    lè tiān zhī mìng

    乐天知命安于自己的命运而没有任何忧虑。英contented with one's lot; accept fate and be happy about it; enjoy what is natural and obey what is destined;[查看详情]

  • 听其自然

    tīng qí zì rán

    听其自然任凭事情发展不作任何努力。英let things take their own course; leave enough alone; let matters stand; take the world as one finds it;[查看详情]

  • 乐天任命

    lè tiān rèn mìng


  • 束手就擒

    shù shǒu jiù qín

    束手就擒捆起手来等候别人来捉拿比喻无法脱逃或无力抵抗。英allow oneself to be seized without putting up a fight; wait for capture with tied hands;[查看详情]

  • 知难而退

    zhī nán ér tuì

    知难而退原指作战时要见机而动不硬做做不到的事情。后指遇到困难就退缩不去克服。英withdraw after learning of the difficulties;[查看详情]

  • 无所作为

    wú suǒ zuò wéi

    无所作为不努力去做出成绩或没有做出成绩。例她尽管没有做到年轻有为但也没有让自己无所作为。英let go; be in a state of inertia; attempt nothing and accomplish nothing;[查看详情]

  • 自生自灭

    zì shēng zì miè

    自生自灭自行产生、发展自行消失、幻灭。英emerge of itself and perish of itself; run its course;[查看详情]

  • 听之任之

    tīng zhī rèn zhī

    听之任之听任不管。让它自由发展。英let sb.have his own way; leave things as they are; let matters drift;[查看详情]

  • 得过且过

    dé guò qiě guò

    得过且过只要勉强过得去就这样过下去没有长远打算;敷衍地过日子放任自流;也比喻工作不负责任马马虎虎。英muddle along; let things drift;[查看详情]