
共 4 条词语

  • 和睦相处

    hé mù xiāng chǔ


  • 戮力同心

    lù lì tóng xīn

    戮力同心齐心合力。例昔逮我献公及穆公相好戮力同心,申这以盟誓,生亡以婚姻。——《左传成公二十三年》英pull together and work hard as a team; make concerted efforts; unite in a concerted effort;[查看详情]

  • 同舟共济

    tóng zhōu gòng jì

    同舟共济同船渡河相为照应。比喻利害得失相同者要患难与共通力合作。英be in the same boat; cross a river in the same boat;[查看详情]

  • 同仇敌忾

    tóng chóu dí kài

    同仇敌忾全体一致地抱着对敌人的仇恨和愤怒。英share a bitter hatred of enemy; a common danger causes common action; with bitter hatred against the common enemy;[查看详情]